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Monday, February 20, 2012

Californians Against Jessica's Law

Here is the entire text of my website, Californians Against Jessica's Law, I wrote in 2006 at San Quentin State Prison while serving time for refusing to register as a sex offender. I was on the mainline and had to be really careful no one found out about my writings or someone would try and kill me.

Californians Against Jessica's Law

Adult rape and the sexual abuse of a child are horrible, inexcusable crimes. No one in their right mind would argue this fact.The victims of sex crimes deserve our compassion, sympathy, and full support. We of Californians Against Jessica's Law (CAJL) would never wish to add to the anguish, tragedy, and harm true victims have endured. However; in the last three decades the hysteria over sex crimes, both real and fabricated, has become political and huge profits are being made off of the detection. apprehension, prosecution, defense, incarceration, supervision, control, and treatment of the sex offender and those wrongly convicted. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare, as it is now known, is a multi-million dollar industry in California. With these kinds of profits to be made, The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare, has caught tens of thousands of innocent men and women in It's ever widening web who now must endure the life-long Scarlet Letter of being a convicted sex offender. 63,000+ Californians are now required by law to register with the police as convicted sex offenders and this number continues to grow daily with no end in sight. These tens of thousands must also submit to sex offender community notification that plasters their faces, descriptions, and other personal information all over the internet warning their communities of their presence. Numerous studies have indicated that these internet postings do little to protect the public from true sexual predators. What California's sex offender notification websites does do is create unnecessary fear in the community, mistrust, and promotes violence. Murder, brutal attacks, and other forms of violence has been directed at those unfortunate enough to appear on CA's sex offender web sites. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare is about to get alot more nightmarish for the 63,000+ registered sex offenders,both the innocent and guilty, and their families if Jessica's Law is passed by voters on November 7th, 2006. Jessica's Law is an ill conceived and mean-spirited scheme, but highly profitable to a select few, that will force all registered sex offenders in California to wear GPS Tracking Shackles on their ankles 24 hours a day for the rest of their life's. A life-long sentence of having their every move tracked by GPS with freedom only coming with death. If anyone refuses to wear these degrading, all intrusive GPS Tracking Shackles for the rest of their lives he or she will be charged with a felony and sent to prison. In some cases, given a life sentence. Absolute nightmares do not get any worse. The harm done if Jessica's Law passes will be immeasurable. Please vote NO on Jessica's Law and help stop this future nightmare. Help spread the news about Californians Against Jessica's Law and the truth about Jessica's Law.
In the United States and especially in California, The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare has been raging for over 30 years now. The War on Sex Offenders hysteria has produced untold misery and the causalities in this profit-driven and revenge-driven "war" has been enormous. At no time in history has it been easier to falsely accuse someone of a sex crime, have them wrongly convicted, and then unjustly sent to prison. No one is considered innocent once accused of a sex crime and no evidence of any wrongdoing is needed nor is any motive in the allegation questioned. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare makes The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism look like child's play. Why would anyone falsely accuse someone of a sex crime? There are many motives to make a false allegation.
* To file an unjust lawsuit
* For attention
* For revenge
* To pay back a former lover or spouse
* Jealousy
* During child custody battles
* Mental and emotion illness
* Extortion
* During divorce proceedings
* And the list goes on
Our so-called justice system, law enforcement, prison construction profiteers, radical feminists, crooked politicians, conviction hungry prosecutors, and others say that to even question an allegation of a sex crime is a crime itself, no matter how obviously untrue or ridiculous. Finding the truth in sex crime accusations or even if a sex crime was committed is not the goal any longer. Gaining convictions, filling prison beds, and keeping the justice system machine well fed is. Studies show and experts agree that over 50% of all rape allegations reported to the police are untrue and the percentage of child abuse hoaxes are even higher. This is not "blaming the victim". These are documented facts. Can you think of a worse nightmare than being falsely accused of a sex crime, being wrongly convicted, unjustly sent to prison, losing your reputation forever, losing everything you own, and when you are finally released from prison you are told because of Jessica's Law you will be forced to wear a GPS Tracking Shackle for the rest of your life or be sent back to prison. In a lot of cases, those who are now forced to register with police as convicted sex offenders committed their crime 20, 30, 40, or more years ago and never reoffended or were totally innocent in the first place. What exactly will forcing these harmless individuals wear GPS Tracking Shackles for the rest of their life's really accomplish? Horror stories do not get any more nightmarish. Please join Californians Against Jessica's Law (CAJL) and help combat this upcoming new law. Please vote NO on Jessica's Law on November 7th, 2006 and help stop this senseless madness. Spread the news about truth behind Jessica's Law.
Those who profit off of The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare - corrupt district attorneys, sleazy politicians, the CA prison guard union, the makers of the GPS Tracking Shackles, and others, would have California voters believe that hordes of drooling child molesters are waiting at the gates of every grammar school and playground in California ready to snatch the first child they see. That behind every bush lurks a serial rapist ready to attack any woman who dares ventures out alone in California. It is a wonder any child makes it home safely in this state as they race home from school thru a literal gauntlet of salivating sexual perverts that prowl every street in California these days. They are promoting a Culture of Fear for their own selfish motives. Propaganda, scare tactics, and fear mongering do not get any more insidious. They also want the voting public to believe that so-called sex offenders have far too many rights once accused which makes it nearly impossible to convict them. When these horrid sex offenders somehow get convicted, which they claim is rare, that they get minimal prison time and are sent to some country club lock-up. The exact opposite is true. Sex crimes are the easiest to get a conviction, those convicted are given long prison terms, and those convicted are brutalized and even murdered in prison. Those who stand to profit the most off of Jessica's Law will use any over-inflated statistic, sensationalism, bogus studies, fear mongering, propaganda, and outright lies to scare the voting public into supporting their future money maker- Jessica's Law. According to the Sex Crime Witch Hunters only with more laws, more police, more prisons, more restrictions, and less civil rights will California's children be safe from the unrestrained army of child molesters hiding around every corner in California. The Jessica's Law profiteers also claim that only they can save our kids and only they really care about their safety. All voters and taxpayers have to do is support and pay for any outrageous, ineffective, and vengeful scheme they can dream up. Remember, It's for the kids! Now pay up! The sad truth is that those who profit off of The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare do not care about our children or the true victims of sexual abuse. All they care about is expanding their power, expanding their control, and of course expanding their bank accounts. Do not believe their lies or their propaganda! Vote NO on Jessica's Law!
Just who are The Sex Crime Witch Hunters and who profits the most off of The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare and will profit the most if Jessica's Law passes:
* GPS Tracking Shackle Manufacturers- If Jessica's Law passes come November 7th, 2006 the makers and stock holders of GPS Tracking Shackles will become instant, overnight millionaires. No wonder they want Jessica's Law to pass so badly. We wonder how many in law enforcement and D.A.'s offices own stock in GPS Tracking Shackles and plan to make a killing in November 2006? Studies indicate that the yearly cost to implement, maintain, and run the Jessica's Law scheme/scam will be well over 200,000,000 dollars a year. Don't worry. It's only taxpayer money. These tax dollars to fund this scheme will no doubt come from education funding for our children or services for the poor. Jessica's Law sure won't protect the public, but it's going to make some officials, their business partners, and their cohorts stinking rich. All thanks to California taxpayers.
* Prosecutors- Everyone hates the sex offender and loves the brave district attorney who punishes them. D. A.'s love accusations of sex crimes. No other crime is easier to convict and generates more publicity. There is no defense once an allegation is made. Sex crime convictions are a slam dunk for over zealous persecutors. The more sex crime conviction notches on their gun belts they can show voters come election time, the better. They must show voters they alone are tough on sex offenders. Convictions, convictions, convictions is all that matters to persecutors,especially when it comes to sex crimes. The truth, justice, or decency plays no part to the new breed of persecutors in the U.S. All they care about is their position and of course money.
* California's Prison Industry- The CA prison guard union is the most powerful union in California's history. It's hunger for fresh, warm bodies to fill their prison beds and justify their existence is insatiable. Sex offenders are just another commodity to them. The CA prison system is the largest state prison system in the world with no end in sight. 170,000+ souls now inhabit CA prison warehouses. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare has been very, very good for the CA prison industry. One of their biggest money makers that will only continue to feed It more and more fresh bodies.
* Special Sex Crime Units- With The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare going full steam almost every city in California has a special sex crime unit, even if it is unneeded. If sex crimes were not out of control and sex offenders were not lurking everywhere these special sex crime units would not need to exist and the high paying jobs would not be justified. Follow the money to find the true motives for law enforcement's War on Sex Offenders.
* Corporate Media's- Sex sells and crime sells, combine the two, sex crimes, and you have a run away best seller. Corporate media's have spread The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare across the U.S. like a virus. It makes little difference to them that sex crimes are not epidemic in this country, that sex offenders are not falling out of trees, and 99.9 % of men would not commit a sex crime. As long as It sells, It's "news". The truth has nothing to do with how the corporate media's report on sexual abuse. Do you think they really care that they have been spreading undo fear, mistrust, promoting the Culture of Fear in our communities with their promotion of The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare? To them the dollar speaks louder than the truth.
* Victims Rights/Revenge Groups- Some victims rights/revenge groups have gone totally overboard in their efforts to seek revenge on offenders, especially so-called sex offenders. Some of these groups have become the pawns of California's powerful and corrupt prison guard union who make huge profits by putting more and more California citizens in prison. These victim rights/revenge groups are funded by the CA prison guard union to be their mouth pieces to promote prison expansion to CA's media's. As long as these victim rights/revenge groups continue to be the puppets to the CA prison guard union they will continue to receive their blood money.
* Sex Offender Treatment Providers- Sex offenders are the bread and butter to the sex offender treatment industry. No sex offenders? No big house in the hills. No college for the kids. No big bank accounts. Of course they are going to promote The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare. Every sex offender on parole must submit to sex offender treatment, needed or not. It's nothing personal, just business, a multi-million dollar business in California.
*The Man-Hating Feminist Movement- A small, but well organized, minority of radical, man-hating, so-called feminists have totally taken over the mainstream feminist movement. To them, all men are not only pigs, but also rapists and child molesters. Fathers are especially hated by this group. Every man deserves to be punished. The more men in prison the better. The corporate media's accepts all their hate-filled rhetoric and propaganda without question.
*Parole Officers- Parole alone is a billion dollar a year waste of taxpayer money in California. After the prison industry is done feeding off of offenders, the CA state parole offices get their turn to make money off them. Sex offenders are pure profit for them. They are the easiest to recycle back to prison because everyone despises them anyway. Parole officers are some of the highest paid employees of the Dept. of Corrections. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare is just job security for them and money in the bank.
Why should we stop at internet postings and GPS Tracking Shackles for the 63,000+ registered sex offenders in California? No life-long Scarlet Letter is too harsh, too restrictive, too abusive, or too nightmarish for them! Why don't we-
* Force them to get "DANGER! SEX OFFENDER" tattooed on their foreheads.
* Force them to wear glow-in-the-dark clothing for easy identification at night.
* Force them to live on islands under 24 hour a day video surveillance.
* Force them to have GPS Tracking Devices implanted under their skin or drilled into their teeth.
* Force them to place giant billboards on their front lawns warning their neighbors of their evil presence.
* Force them to publicly denounce their access to human rights, civil rights, and constitutional rights.
* Force them to get sterilized because they will no doubt attack their own children.
* Force them to get both arms amputated and legs too while we're at it.
Or better yet, why don't we just shoot anyone in the head that is accused of a sex crime? No trial is necessary. They are all guilty anyway. Well maybe shooting them in the head immediately after any allegation of a sex crime is not the answer. Not because it would be insane to do, but because those who profit off The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare would lose a lot of votes, would lose money, and lose control if those accused were executed on the spot. Much better to just continue to ruin the life's of the 63,000+ registered sex offenders in CA and ruin the life's of their families too. Alot more profitable that way. More money in the bank, more votes in the ballot box, and life-long job security.
The makers of GPS Tracking Shackles will profit the most tax payer monies if Jessica's Law passes on November 7th, 2006. The stock holders who own shares of stock will make profits in the tens of millions per year. All at tax payer expense of course. They will become millionaires literally over night thanks to Jessica's Law. You can believe the makers of these horrible devices, those who will be maintaining them, and those who will be monitoring them, will be laughing all the way to the bank come November 2006 if Jessica's Law passes. The makers of these modern day, barbaric shackles know that GPS tracking of sex offenders is only the beginning. If Jessica's Law passes it will no doubt mutate in a couple years to laws that force all parolees to wear these shackles, then all ex-felons, maybe deadbeat dads, then immigrant guest workers, people on welfare, and/or anyone one else The State deems worthy of tracking their every movement. Like the prison industry now in California, the GPS Tracking Shackles industry will become a growing multi-billion dollar industry soon. Also like the prison industry it will mostly target the poor, uneducated, those without power, people of color, and anyone else The State deems undesirable. Jessica's Law is just the first stage. Everyone despises the sex offender, guilty or not, and they deserve no rights anyway. No one will argue against Jessica's Law and then expanding It to other undesirables. We wonder if the politicians and persecutors screaming the loudest to get Jessica's Law passed actually own stock in the makers of GPS Tracking Shackles or will receive a healthy "donation" once Jessica's Law is approved by voters.
There are over 63,000+ registered sex offenders in CA. Experts predict that it will cost tax payers $10 a day to fully implement Jessica's Law. This includes the cost of the GPS Tracking Shackle itself, the costs to maintain them, the costs to repair them, and the tremendous costs to monitor all 63,000+ of them 24 hours a day. At $10 a day for 63,000+ it will cost taxpayers well over $230,000,000 a year for the Jessica's Law scheme. That is the low figure. Others say it will cost a lot more. Where exactly will over a 1/4 billion dollars of taxpayer monies a year come from to keep this scam going every year? Should we raise taxes? Take it from services for the elderly? Take it from educating our kids? How about taking food out of the mouths of the poor and children to pay for Jessica's Law scam of the century. Crooked politicians and corrupt district attorneys tell us that no amount of money is enough to "save our kids" from the unrestrained legions of child molesters that inhabit every street in California. That only with GPS Tracking Shackles on everyone who has ever been convicted of a sex crime will our children truly be safe. Of course a large percentage of taxpayer funds redirected toward the Jessica's Law scam will go directly into the pockets of those who are advocating the passage of Jessica's Law the loudest and into the pockets of their friends and business partners. As with all aspects of The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare, follow the money, to find the true reasons for Jessica's Law. It's sure not about public safety. It's about further robbing California taxpayers. Don't let your taxpayer dollars go to waste just so a few Fat Cats can stuff their pockets with you tax dollars. Vote NO on Jessica's Law come November 7th, 2006 and send these bastards a message.
The life's of the 63,000+ registered sex offenders, the guilty, as well as the innocent, is a pretty pathetic and marginal existence already. They are the lowest of the low. The dregs of society with no hope of redemption and easy targets for vigilantes. It does not matter if you were caught up in The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare and are totally innocent. If you were wrongly convicted you still pay the same price as that of a serial child molester. You life is worthless in today's society which views you as vermin. A never ending nightmare for those wrongly convicted. Most sex offenders are unable to find proper housing or find jobs due to their status. Alot of sex offenders wind up homeless. A large number choose suicide finding life so unbearable due to the restrictions and ever changing laws that set them up for failure. After release from prison sex offenders are placed under the highest level of parole . One minor false move and they are immediately sent back to prison. All sex offenders in California are forced to register with police and must submit to internet notification postings that warn their neighbors of their presence. Numerous studies and experts agree that these internet postings do little to protect the public while it totally destroys the privacy rights of those highlighted on them and makes it impossible for them to ever return to society. Another thing these sex offender internet notification postings do is promote crime and vigilantes. After appearing on these websites those forced to submit to them and their families have been attacked, beaten, robbed, and even murdered. It's a deadly Catch-22 for those who find themselves branded with the Scarlet Letter of a convicted sex offender. Refuse to submit to appear on a sex offender notification website and be charged with a felony or go on The State's revenge seeking websites and risk having yourself or family members attacked or even murdered. Either way, a person branded a sex offender is marked for victimization for the rest of their life's. They are not the only one's who suffer a life-long sentence of humiliation, degradation, and zero privacy. Their family members suffer right along with them. Will The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare ever end? Please vote NO on Jessica's Law on November 7th, 2006 and stop one aspect of the living hell 63,000+ Californians and their families face daily.
Another part of Jessica's Law in California will make 2000 feet (almost a 1/2 mile) around areas where kids may be present so-called "predator free zones" off limits to those on CA's sex offender registers. Those who advocate Jessica's Law use the typical scare tactics and propaganda telling voters that their children will only be safe if we implement "predator free zones" around our schools, parks, and daycare's. Any so-called sex offender living within the 2000 feet limit of Jessica's Law will be forced to move immediately or be arrested. People who have lived in their homes 20, 30, 40, or more years without any trouble will be forced to move or go to jail. Where will they all move to? Within California cities few areas are not a 1/2 mile from schools, parks, and daycare's. In states that have already enacted Jessica's Law 90 % or more of "sex offenders" were forced, with threats of arrest, to find a new place to live. Most of those evicted became homeless, along with their spouses and children who also suddenly found themselves driven from their homes. Jessica's Law 2000 foot so-called "predator free zones" will do nothing for public safety and only generate more fear and mistrust. It will however break up families, cause incredible harm, and waste police time as they make sure the 2000 foot limit is adhered to. "Sex offenders" who have for years followed the requirement to register will be forced to go on the run and live "underground" because they and their families are unable to find housing because everywhere is within 1/2 a mile of schools, parks, and daycare's. The Sex Crime Witch Hunt Nightmare has found It's best ally, Jessica's Law, that will force tens of thousands of Californians to become homeless.
The life's of the registered sex offender, guilty or innocent, does not appear that it could get worse. Now comes Jessica's Law that will not only cost CA taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars wasted a year, but like the internet postings, do little to protect the public. What Jessica's Law will do is further stigmatize, punish, and ostracize not only registered sex offenders, but also their family members. Why stop at GPS Tracking Shackles for sex offenders? Why not all ex-felons? Why not everyone who crosses our borders? What about the mentally ill? Why don't we just implant a GPS Tracking Device in every man, woman, and child in California? Then we really will be safe from one another. The State could also collect DNA samples from all Californians to be stored in a police database until needed. Or maybe The State can collect information about all aspects of every Californian and post it on the internet, so no one in California could "hide" personal information from their neighbors. It's all for our own good. The State only wants what's best for us. Even if we don't know it yet. We sure wouldn't live in the Land of the Free anymore, but we sure will be safe and secure from one another. Who needs rights, liberties, freedoms, or the pursuit of happiness when we could be 100% safe and live in a Police State Utopia. Jessica's Law is just one of the many first steps we are headed toward this U.S. Constitution hating utopia. We must come together and fight Jessica's Law before it is too late. Please, join the fight. If not for yourself.... for your children.

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