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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Personal Update

    Come this Saturday I will have been out of prison for 6 months ( I was sentenced to 4 years for refusing to "register") and life has been a nightmare because of CA's Jessica's Law/Scarlett Letter. Who would of ever thought I would still be fighting this battle in 2011 when I was wrongly convicted in 1989? I am still living in the same Hotel I moved into the day I got out due to Residential Restrictions for RSOs on Parole in CA. I can not find anywhere else to live. Feel like I've been banished from society. I'm not allowed to live in 70+ % of this county. Still have on this damn GPS Tracking Shackle ( It costs CA taxpayers $60,000,000+ a year for the GPS for RSOs on parole scam) locked onto my ankle that I have to charge up about 3 hours a day or go I back to prison. Have not found a job yet because I'm in an Out-Patient program for PTSD and alcoholism that takes up alot of my weekday time, but I've been down to the employment office and the Vet Rep is going to help me get a part-time job ( I'm a U.S. Air Force veteran). Even though life under CA's Jessica's Law is a surreal nightmare, all is not bad. I haven't had a drop to drink since I've been out, haven't cut off this damn shackle yet ( I promised myself I will never live as a Fugitive from Justice again), this blog has turned out better than I ever imagined, got off the sleeping pills I was on due to all the stress of Jessica's Law, I still have my old van I brought because I thought I would end up sleeping in It, and I have a small measure of hope that someday I can have a life. Not a life in prison. Not a life as a wanted man on the run. Not a life as a social outcast. A life that The U.S. Constitution promises ALL Americans - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Jessica's Law denies them to RSOs, but hopefully this insane "law" that protects no one and costs CA taxpayers tens of millions of dollars a year will someday be overturned. Hopefully in my lifetime. Take care you all and keep fighting the good fight! I've been fighting The Sex Crime Witch Hunt for over 20 years now. Good luck my friends.   J.A.  

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