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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Imaginary Crimes


    Imagine if you were suddenly arrested and accused of being a child molester.....

    • Imagine if little children, coached by therapists, got on the witness stand and said that you had done horrible things to them.....

    • Imagine if nobody believed you when you cried out that you were innocent....

    • Imagine if you were separated from your family and sent to prison for life....

    • Some people don't have to imagine. It really happened to them.

This website is dedicated to helping people who are still serving long prison sentences received during the "ritual abuse" panic of the late eighties and early nineties. During this time, scores of innocent people were accused by overzealous social workers and police of heinous crimes against children.
In time, the hysteria subsided and most people were freed from prison (although many had spent years in prison and had been bankrupted by the process).  It was discovered that the young children had been virtually brainwashed by the leading questions and repeated interrogations of social workers, therapists and law enforcement officials.  Therefore, their wild testimony about animal sacrifice, devil worship, travelling in submarines, secret tunnels, and flying to secret locations where they were molested were fabrications, mostly without a shred of truth.
But incredibly, some people still remain in prison, forgotten and powerless.
"I didn't like to think about what that could do to the soul of a human being, to have to sit in a prison cell day after day for a crime you had not committed. And nothing to look forward to at the end of a day but the knowledge of hundreds more days like the one you just endured."
-- Elizabeth Loftus, Psychologist

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