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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Falling on the Deaf Ear

In 2001, I was in Sunnyvale, CA taking care of my mom and working on my book. It was never completed because I as sent back to prison. Here's the chapters of my future book.

Falling On the Deaf Ear:
False Accusations of Rape, Child Abuse Hoaxes, Innocent in Prison, and How to End the Sex Crime Witch Hunt

by J. A.

Chapters include:

1. My personal nightmare: falsely accused, wrongly convicted, unjustly imprisoned, and branded for life
2. The date rape myth and Women's Studies- the big lie and cultist recruiting on campus
3. False rape reports: the unknown epidemic
4. Spousal rape allegations- the vengeful wife's revenge
5. Rape shield laws- ensuring convictions by hiding evidence
6. Child abuse hoaxes- the ultimate evil
7. Child protective services- brainwashing kids and destroying families
8. Munchausen syndrome- a star is born
9. Rape crisis centers- the need for more "victim's", more money, and tampering with witnesses
10. False memory syndrome- crooked shrinks and implanted memories
11. Trial by media- No man is innocent!
12. The cops- your best friends?
13. Prosecuters and judges- why you must be convicted
14. Your defense attorney- Don't turn your back on this guy
15. Feminism- How It turned into an all powerful, man-hating,  homosexual cult
16. The men's movement- our only hope
17.The prison industrial complex- warehousing, slave labor, and the all mighty dollar
18. How to survive prison- what your momma didn't tell you about hell on earth
19. The prison guard- abuse, torture, and murder behind bars
20. DNA evidence- life-taker and life-saver
21. Sex offender treatment- peter meters, polygraghs, forced confessions, and other scams
22. Megan's laws- The post-prison, life-long nightmare
23. The last resort- new identification and the underground
24. How we can end the witch hunt
25. Resource guide- organizations, books, newsletters, and self-help

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