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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Save the Males by Richard Doyle

    Back when I first started the Society Against False Accusations of Rape in the early 90's at Oregon State Correctional Institution, Richard Doyle of the Men's Defense organization and publisher of The Liberator, was one of the first people to contact me. He has been in the Men's Rights fight for decades and one of the most respected men in the cause. His dedication to men and father's rights is unmatched. His book, Save the Males, is a must read for anyone interested in learning about how and why men and fathers have been given such a bad rap. How and why we are so prejudiced in  U. S. courts and the medias. He also exposes so-called feminists and their utter hatred and contempt for men and fathers. I am proud to cal Richard Doyle my friend. You can access this extraordinary book at . You won't be sorry. Another book you'll want to check out is The Myth of Male Power, by long time Men's Rights activist Warren Farrell. Check it out at . If you've been falsely accused of a sex crime or have had a family member victimized by the Sex Crime Witch Hunt I strongly encourage you to join the Men's Rights fight. We need you !!!

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