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Friday, December 16, 2011

Fuck It !

   I say goodbye my friends. Can not take this shit anymore. I would rather live underground or die. A man can only take so much. Would rather live on the the run. See you on the other side.  J.A.


  1. Good luck got my email for europe ;-)

  2. Hang in there. People have no idea of how unconstitutional and idiotic these American Laws are. People are instinctively cruel and love to hate what they don't understand til they become that someone and are required to register for life. How many have urinated in public or had a younger girlfriend when they were in high school or false accusation. These offenses could have happened to any number of people and crazily it has.

  3. Do not be afraid of anything, anyone cannot defeat the truth. After all sex offender laws are full of hypocrisy and hateful.

    Good luck..............
