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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


YouTube Talk Show – S.T.O.L.E.N.

JD started a new YouTube talk show about CPS injustice in December. You might like to check out his promo video, then head over to his YouTube account for more.
Thanks to MrNeoKat for this video.
YouTube is an excellent way to get the word out about child protective services injustice toward families. Though other talk artists may occasionally touch on the topic of CPS and the abduction of children under color of law, this man has taken the initiative to create a program of interviews with people who are being deprived of their families, happiness, security, financial stability, and peace of mind.
If you decide to go on a show like S.T.O.L.E.N. to talk about your family’s grief, keep in mind that you may want to keep your location and everyone’s names out of the conversation. The decision of whether or not to be extremely verbal about your case details in the media is a very personal one. For some people the strategy works, and social workers and judges may back down because of media attention focused on their injustice. In other cases the media spotlight may cause extreme problems and make a case more difficult, so go with your heart and gut instincts as your best guide on how to handle your CPS case information.
It is certain that CPS workers would rather operate in the dark, meaning they don’t want anyone to know about their corruption. “…People loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19) They want to do their misdeeds behind the closed doors of juvenile court where press and public aren’t allowed in to witness their injustice and cruelty. By making your case public, the light is thrown onto their actions. Caseworkers hate that, and so do the judges that rubber-stamp CPS decisions. If you let in the light they may capitulate, or they may strike back. I am unable to predict ahead of time what might happen next.
CPS does need to be exposed. But all the exposure in the world won’t help if our federal congressmen are taking orders from a cruel world power that treats us like pawns, cattle, sheep, to be used and abused. My first reaction, after finding out about CPS cruelty first-hand in 1989, was to expose them. I started writing articles about CPS cases for a local weekly newspaper owned by a Christian Libertarian who wanted to expose all government corruption. But I learned that throwing light on the evil-doers isn’t enough. And at this point, more than twenty years later, we’ve got lots of light being directed toward these evil creatures, and still they persist because to them, the money they receive is more important than the sanctity of family life. And apparently while the light of exposure is necessary, it isn’t stopping them.
These days I focus my efforts on finding ways to help families prepare for juvenile court. I want them to be strengthened by understanding how this unconstitutional court works, by preparing helpful legal documents, and by compiling documentary evidence. Preparation for court will help in individual cases. I want good parents to have a fighting chance at getting their children returned to them.
This posting is the start of something I hope will be a regular feature here at FightCPS… I’m calling it “Video Friday”. I will be making some videos, and will also be seeking out videos at YouTube to add to this site. I’ll be looking for the best of the most recent videos posted there with the tag “cps”. I prefer videos in which people are talking, not just printed words with music. I want to hear how people are feeling, what they’re doing, how their cases are progressing, and anything else having to do with CPS.

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