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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Banned From Christmas

     In Santa Clara Co.people flock to Christmas in the Park in Downtown San Jose to celebrate Christmas and the coming New Year. My niece Jessica invited me to go with her and her family to the annual Christmas celebration like tens of thousands of other people go. I was forced to decline. My parole officer informed me that if I step foot in Christmas at the Park - I will be immediately arrested, have my parole revoked, and sent to prison. I have harmed children in the pass? Am I a Madman? Do I have mental problems? Am I so dangerous and deranged that to be in large groups of people I'd attack someone? The answer is simple- NO!!! Since I was falsely accused by a serial false accuser in 1985 I never, before or since have ever been accused of any sexual misconduct - NEVER!!! So why does law enforcement treat me like a sexual deviant? Because they can and they know no one will come to the defense of a RSO. No matter how mistreated, abused, lied about, or have their Constitutional right to "Life, Liberty, And the Pursuit of Happiness" trampled upon. It absolutely hurts what law enforcement implies about me. It is a lie and has been for over 25 years. Is not locking a GPS onto my ankle enough? Is not plastering my face, tarnishing my family name, and telling people where I live all over the Internet enough? Is not forcing me to be a prisoner in this hotel room (my curfew) 8 hours a day enough? Is not being able to get even the menial job due to instant background checks enough? The injustice goes on and on. I don't want any sympathy or pity. I just want hope, even a slim chance at hope. Because my hope is dying. Without hope? What is there? To those not banned from Christmas - Have a good one. I will be going to a relatives for Christmas, but am only allowed by Jessica's Law to stay 2 hours. Even on Christmas Day, Jessica's Law makes life unbearable. The sad part is? It protects NO ONE. It only harms. See what happens when RSO's dare enter a county fair .

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