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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Book - Falling on the Deaf Ear

     While doing my 10 year prison term for a crime I did not commit and my 14 month sentence for my 1990 prison escape at Oregon State Correctional Institution in the 90's I wrote an extensive book on the false accusation that sent me to prison and the entire sex crime hysteria. Falling on the Deaf Ear was published by a small publisher who specialized in Men's Rights issues. It has since gone out of business. I lost my copy years ago while being a fugitive from justice and "living off the grid". I put in over a year of my life researching and writing that book. My Creative Writing instructor at the time edited It for me. I had been enrolled in the prison's college program and was working on my BA degree in Journalism. I only got to my AA degree because the prison cancelled the college program along with most of the Vocational Training programs due to the 1990's Get Tough on Prisoners hysteria. Now most state prisoners sit around and rot with nothing to do and no rehabilitation and they wonder why prisons have become so violent. Back to my book. I found it on the Internet! What a blessing! IT is a MUST READ for anyone wanting to understand the current Sex Crime Witch Hunt. It also fully describes the 1985 false accusation that was leveled against me, my 1989 wrongful conviction, my 1990 prison break, the hell I went though in prison, and etc... You can download the entire text at . If you're reading this blog, you got to read this book. I am rarely happy due to my situation, but finding Falling on the Deaf Ear has overjoyed me.

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