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Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Privacy

     My privacy? I have none. My face and information are on Megan's Law websites, I have few rights that most Americans have due to being on High Risk/Control Parole, would never pass a background check that are instantaneous these days, my movements are tracked every second because I have a GPS Tracking Shackle locked onto my ankle, and besides who really has privacy these days? When I was "living off the grid" all those years as a wanted fugitive I was not connected to anything. No one could find me in a million years. Everything I did I made sure my really identity was not compromised. It's tough these days to live totally underground, but possible. Even with little money. My name was phony, my background was made up, and I never dealt with any government agency. Too be honest it was quite freeing to be 100% free, but it was stressful at the same time. I always knew I was going to be arrested in the end. Why do I put my real name out there now and let the public know I'm a RSO (100% innocent)? Because I have the truth on my side and I'm  not afraid. The 1985 false accusation that ruined my life could of happened to anyone, but it happened to me. Life isn't fair. Deal with and try to move on. Am I not afraid of being physically attacked and assualted? Out here in the "Free World? Not in the least. I've spent over 17 years in jails/prisons on the West Coast and Alaska. I've walked the mainline of some of the toughest joints in California. I've been in dozens of riots and fights. I'm hardly afraid of Joe Citizen out here. If a bullet has your name on it, what can you really do about it anyway? We live in a Culture of Fear these days. A culture I'm not part of. My name is J.A. and I live in Santa Clara County, California. I was falsely accused of rape in 1985 in Salem ,Oregon and have been fighting the Sex Crime Witch Hunt for over 20 years. Privacy? I have none. You can access the book I wrote in prison in the1990's at .

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